
In the presented video, Temperance is highlighted as the high mastery of voluntarily resisting rather than reacting impulsively. It is the art of making conscious decisions instead of impulsive ones. In the context of Stoic philosophy, Temperance is considered one of the four essential virtues, along with wisdom, justice, and courage.

Temperance involves self-control and moderation, recognizing our limits and not allowing our passions to dominate us. It is the ability to remain calm in the face of challenges and to respond in a balanced and measured way. In summary, Temperance is a balance and moderation that permeates all aspects of life, a virtue of great importance as it is crucial for making good decisions, especially under pressure, maintaining serenity and mental clarity, and effectively solving problems.

The video presents 10 practical ways to apply the essential historical principles to cultivate Temperance as one of your virtues. First, it highlights the importance of avoiding being led by excessive desires. True freedom does not come from excessive desires but from control over them. The Stoics believed that the constant craving for pleasure and fear of pain make us prisoners enslaved by our passions. The key here is to make decisions based on what is genuinely beneficial in the long run, rather than giving in to instant pleasures.

Another recommended practice is delaying gratification, setting long-term goals, and breaking them down into steps. This directs your actions toward specific goals and helps avoid the pursuit of immediate rewards.

Continuous learning and personal growth are also emphasized. The Stoics believed that the path to virtue and wisdom is a continuous journey. Therefore, dedicating time every day to learn something new or reflect on your experiences can help you grow as a person and gain a broader perspective on life.

Gratitude is another important practice highlighted in the video. Recognizing and being thankful for the things you have, no matter how small, is essential for cultivating a mindset of contentment. This helps shift your focus to the positive and allows you to appreciate what you already possess.

Distancing yourself from people who spread negativity and complaints is recommended to maintain your sense of gratitude. Valuing simplicity and moderation by appreciating what you have rather than constantly desiring more is a way to achieve this.

The video also emphasizes the importance of developing resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. Instead of seeing setbacks as personal failures, the Stoics believed they were opportunities for learning and growth. Resilience involves facing difficulties with serenity and balance, viewing setbacks as chances for improvement, and developing problem-solving skills.

Living in the present is another principle highlighted. Many of our anxieties and worries stem from regretting the past or fearing the future. Focusing on the here and now can free us from these concerns and maintain calm and serenity.

Empathy is promoted as a way to better understand others and respond in a way that maintains peace and harmony. Trying to put yourself in others’ shoes before judging or reacting is a recommended practice.

Accepting what cannot be changed is a fundamental element of Stoicism. Recognizing the difference between what you can change through your actions and what is beyond your control is essential for living with serenity.

The practice of detachment is also mentioned. This involves freeing yourself from excessive dependence on external things for your own happiness. It’s not about rejecting all pleasure or material possessions but not allowing your inner peace to solely depend on them.

Lastly, but crucially, self-care is emphasized. Maintaining your body in good condition is fundamental for achieving Temperance. This includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate rest. Taking care of your mental health, whether through meditation, therapy, or simply setting aside time to relax and engage in activities you truly enjoy, is also highlighted.

In summary, the video highlights the importance of Temperance as a fundamental virtue and presents a series of practical practices that can be adopted to cultivate this virtue and achieve a more balanced and serene life according to Stoic principles.