12 Stoic Lessons That Will Immediately Change Your Life – Ryan Holiday


In this captivating YouTube video, we embark on a journey through the wise words of Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher born a slave who became one of the most influential teachers of his time. Epictetus, who didn’t consider himself a teacher but rather a Stoic philosopher, sought a specific kind of knowledge – one that, when applied, helped confront and overcome life’s inevitable difficulties.

The video delves into the notes of a fortunate young man who had the privilege of regularly listening to Epictetus and recording his words. These notes survived the test of time, passed on to some of history’s greatest figures, including the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who expressed gratitude for access to Epictetus’s teachings.

The first lesson presented is Epictetus’s skill of distinguishing between what is within our control and what is not. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the choices we make, as that is something we can control. In a world filled with uncontrollable external events, this ability to discern, according to Epictetus, can radically change our lives.

The video highlights that it’s not events that disturb people, but their judgment of those events. This idea resonates with Albert Ellis, a major figure in modern psychology, who based the development of cognitive-behavioral therapy on a similar principle. Epictetus argues that we have the power to control our opinion about events, and we can always change it.

Another crucial teaching of Epictetus is the need to rid oneself of self-conceit. He stresses that it’s impossible to learn when one thinks they already know everything. Keeping an open mind, learning from every experience, and consistently striving for progress are principles he advocates.

Epictetus also emphasizes the importance of viewing difficulties as opportunities. Instead of seeing adversity as an obstacle, he suggests seeing it as a chance to learn about endurance, patience, resilience, and struggle. This perspective allows us to transform every challenging experience into fuel for our growth.

The video brings forth the philosophy of Seneca, who found in Stoicism a source of guidance on how to live a good life. He shared his wisdom through letters and essays, inspiring others to face the challenges of existence.

Seneca addresses the inevitability of suffering and argues that we should avoid excessively worrying about the future. Instead, we should focus on the present and confront challenges as they arise, avoiding the mental torture of anticipated worries.

The importance of seeking challenges and surrounding oneself with people who contribute to personal growth is highlighted by Seneca. He emphasizes that avoiding challenges is akin to living a life of death because true strength is forged in adversity.

The video further explores the reflections of Marcus Aurelius, the last of the five good Roman emperors and a student of Stoicism. In his work “Meditations,” he shares a unique and timeless insight into how to respond to life’s challenges.

Marcus Aurelius emphasizes the importance of overcoming the morning resistance and starting the day early, recognizing that this is crucial for success. He argues that, even as the most powerful man in the world, he still needs to act in accordance with the laws of nature.

The idea that our actions may be impeded, but our intentions and dispositions cannot be impeded is central to Marcus Aurelius’s philosophy. He emphasizes the mind’s ability to adapt and convert obstacles into opportunities. What stands in the way becomes the way, an approach that transforms difficulties into personal growth.

The video explores the theme of death in the context of Marcus Aurelius. He encourages the practice of “memento mori,” reflecting on one’s mortality, as a way to stay present and focused on what truly matters. Recognizing the transience of life, according to him, empowers us to live fully in the present.

In summary, the video offers a profound immersion into the Stoic lessons passed down by philosophers like Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius. These timeless lessons on control, judgment, self-conceit, facing challenges, conscious choices, and acceptance of death provide a solid foundation for a meaningful and resilient life. After watching this video, you’ll likely feel inspired to add your name to the list of those who admire and apply the wise words of these great Stoic philosophers.

Channel: FightMediocrity