7 Anti-Stoic Habits to Remove from Your Life NOW! (A MUST WATCH)


In this captivating video, the great Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius is invoked with his famous quote: “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” From this starting point, the viewer is invited to delve into the world of Stoic philosophy and explore how our thoughts shape our reality and well-being, as well as how the influence of the people around us can profoundly impact our journey.

The presenter emphasizes that just as the quality of our thoughts is crucial, certain habits can silently steer us away from the Stoic path. The video aims to explore seven anti-Stoic habits that may be present in our everyday lives and offers guidance on how to regain our Stoic direction and inner peace.

The first of these habits is the habit of complaining about things that are beyond our control. The video uses a metaphor of a sunny picnic interrupted by unexpected rain to illustrate how many people allow external and unpredictable events to affect their mood. Stoic philosophy is then introduced as the key to understanding and accepting the difference between what we can control and what we cannot.

Next, the video addresses the habit of seeking external validation, highlighting how the digital age and social media can amplify the need for validation through likes, comments, and shares. Stoic philosophy is presented as an antidote to this incessant search for external approval, emphasizing that true validation should come from within ourselves.

The third habit discussed is being a slave to one’s own emotions. The video illustrates how impulsive and emotional reactions can lead to conflicts and regrets, emphasizing the importance of recognizing our emotions without allowing them to dominate us. Stoic philosophy is presented as a guide to developing emotional resilience and acting based on reason.

The fourth habit addressed is the excessive pursuit of pleasure, likening it to an extravagant feast that can lead to feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. The video highlights the importance of moderation and aligning our desires with our long-term well-being.

The fifth habit is living in the past, reminiscing about moments of regret or nostalgia at the expense of the present. The video underscores the importance of mindfulness and the ability to live in the present moment.

The sixth habit is the obsession with the future, constantly worrying about events that have not yet occurred. The video argues that it is essential to balance preparation for the future with an appreciation for the present.

Lastly, the seventh habit discussed is the relentless pursuit of perfection, emphasizing how this quest can lead to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. The video promotes the idea that it is important to embrace imperfections and focus on progress rather than perfection.

At the end of the video, the presenter invites viewers to reflect on the habits that may be impacting their lives and to share their experiences in the comments. The video concludes with a message that Stoicism does not seek perfection but rather progress and perspective.

This video presentation is an enlightening journey through Stoic philosophy, offering practical advice for living a more balanced and resilient life based on introspection and the pursuit of inner authenticity. It is a valuable exploration of Stoic principles and how to apply them in our everyday lives.

Channel: Stoic Bond