8 Stoic Lessons MEN learn TOO late in life | Stoicism


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Dive deep into the Stoic wisdom that has empowered great thinkers for centuries and discover actionable practices to rejuvenate your morning rituals

00:00 – Intro
01:19 – Lesson #1. Happiness Is a Personal RespOnsibility
03:35 – Lesson #2. Embrace The Transients of Life
05:36 – Lesson #3. Embracing Life’s Inequity
07:24 – Lesson #4. The Art of Embracing Risks
09:15 – Lesson #5. The Profound Power of Being Present
11:16 – Lesson #6. The Liberation From Overthinking
13:20 – Lesson #7. The Vital Pursuit of Passion in Your Career
15:38 – Lesson #8. Harness the Power of Your Mind

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