
In the video “BE BETTER THAN 99% OF PEOPLE WITH THESE TEACHINGS | STOICISM | SCROLLS OF MEMORY” the narrator emphasizes the idea that to be better than 99% of the people on the planet, one must do what 99% of people don’t do. While this statement may seem like a cliché, the narrator argues that statistically, it’s not a difficult task. He emphasizes that many people sell complex and elaborate solutions for this goal when, in reality, being better than most people requires only a few simple steps based on neuroscience and behavioral psychology.

The first step mentioned is stress management. The narrator highlights the importance of controlling emotions because stress is one of the primary risk factors for psychiatric illnesses. He emphasizes the need to improve emotional intelligence and eliminate as much stress as possible from daily life.

The second step focuses on changing habits and suggests that it is more effective to control the environment than to rely solely on willpower. The narrator mentions that neuroscience studies indicate that context control is often more effective than relying on willpower.

In the third step, the video addresses the importance of balancing the function of the prefrontal cortex, responsible for planning and rationalization, with the limbic system, which modulates emotions. It is emphasized that both areas are essential for decision-making, and balancing emotions and rationality is crucial.

The fourth step emphasizes the brain’s plasticity and how new experiences can shape behavior. The video argues that behavior is determined by consequences, and if an experience is pleasurable, there is a greater likelihood of repeating that behavior.

The fifth step highlights that humans did not evolve to be purely altruistic or selfish but to respond to their environment. The video advises being cautious about environments and contexts that can trigger negative behaviors and surrounding oneself with supportive people and environments.

The sixth step focuses on the importance of quality sleep for the proper functioning of the brain and suggests prioritizing 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

In the seventh step, the video argues that physical exercise benefits not only the body but also the brain, improving emotional control and self-esteem.

The eighth step addresses the importance of money but emphasizes that there is a diminishing point of return where money ceases to provide a significant increase in happiness. The video emphasizes that, in addition to meeting basic needs, the quality of relationships plays a crucial role in life satisfaction.

Additionally, the video discusses the importance of daytime motivation and nighttime gratitude. Motivation is seen as a drive to pursue goals and overcome challenges, while gratitude is seen as a means to appreciate what has already been achieved.

In summary, the video suggests that it is not necessary to adopt complex strategies to stand out but to focus on mental health, simple actions, and appreciation for what has already been accomplished. Finally, it encourages viewers to recognize their strength and affirm that they are better than 99% of the people.