Do you know what enough is?


There is a story told in one of the person’s books about Joseph Heller, who wrote “Catch-22,” and Kurt Vonnegut, who wrote “Slaughterhouse-Five.” They were at a party hosted by a billionaire. Kurt Vonnegut playfully teased Joseph Heller, asking him, “How does it feel to know that the guy whose house we’re in, some billionaire or whatever, made more money this week than your book will make in its lifetime?” Joseph Heller’s response was, “Well, I have something that that guy doesn’t have.” When asked what that might be, he replied, “I know what ‘enough’ is.”

After Joseph Heller wrote “Catch-22,” he didn’t stop writing books. That wasn’t the end of it. The person in the story reflects that there’s a difference between doing something driven by a need to prove something or to be something and doing it from a place of contentment where you are happy with who you are and genuinely enjoy the work itself. The person concludes by saying, “Dude, I’m going to tell that story forever.”

Channel: Daily Stoic