How Stoicism Can Give You Inner-Peace In a Crazy World


For thousands of years, humans have been partaking in this experience.

Cato knew the feeling. Seneca knew it. Marcus Aurelius too: The stillness of the baths, which the Romans built and enjoyed across the empire for centuries. The quiet of the cavernous rooms with their big, thick stone walls. The darkness that came from laying face down during a massage. The thick air of the steam room. The restorative waters of the heated pool. The white noise of the fountains as they burbled. The quick-breath-insta-consciousness that came from moving from the hot pool into the cold pool. In this video Ryan Holiday talks about the Stoics keys to finding Inner-Peace In a Crazy World.

It was a timeless Roman tradition, a part of daily life, where busy men and women could escape from the dusty, noisy outside world. It was a safe place. A place for stillness and solitude, despite being surrounded by activity and other people. Seems quaint and distant, doesn’t it?

Except you could have this stillness right now. Slowing down. Ducking out from the busy streets and into a quiet place for the wonders of the water, for that restorative alternative between hot and cold, cold and hot. It was available to paleolithic tribes in the form of natural springs, to the Romans by feats of engineering genius, and to you via the benefits of modern convenience.

📕 For more on tuning out distractions and finding the focus that you need to succeed, check out Ryan Holiday’s best selling “Stillness Is the Key” –

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00:00 intro
02:01 1. Get up early
02:32 2. Know you have enough
03:38 3. Stop rushing
04:32 4. Control your desires
04:55 5. Be present
06:27 6. Look for beauty in the mundane
07:38 7. Control your inputs
08:24 8. Make time for peace

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