On Being a Stoic: A Documentary


EDIT: I know the sound is only in one ear, I have no idea how that happened. I think I messed up the export in Premiere.

Stoicism is a philosophy from ancient Greece that teaches people to value logical reasoning and self-control over destructive emotions or urges. This film seeks to dispel the mysteries surrounding Stoicism, and spread some of the good advice that the ancient philosophers left for us.


This was my second film for my Intro to Film class, I’m quite happy with the way it turned out…actually I just pulled an all nighter to finish editing it :V
I want to give a big thanks to my teacher Tom Pope for agreeing to do the interview, he had so many great things to say but sadly the film couldn’t be longer then 5 minutes :c
Also a huge thanks to my friends Ross and Mary for assisting me with the camera stuff and driving me to Wisconsin to meet with Tom XD You guys are the best~

Channel: katieb1111