Seneca – 6 Ways To Keep Your Calm (Stoicism) | Philosophies Revived


Discover the transformative principles of Stoicism as we explore the six ways to keep your calm according to Seneca, the famous Stoic philosopher. Learn how to manage your impulses effectively, cultivate a spirit of forgiveness, concentrate on your loftiest ambitions, embrace your destiny with understanding, pay no heed to external judgments, and reflect upon your day regularly. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and learn how the ancient philosophy of Stoicism can help you maintain inner peace and emotional well-being.

#Seneca #Stoicism #KeepYourCalm #InnerPeace #EmotionalWellBeing #ManageYourImpulses #CultivateForgiveness #ConcentrateOnAmbitions #EmbraceYourDestiny

Here are 6 Principles To Keep Your Calm (Stoicism) by Seneca –
1. Manage your impulses effectively.
2. Cultivate a spirit of forgiveness.
3. Concentrate on your loftiest ambitions.
4. Embrace your destiny with understanding.
5. Pay no heed to external judgments.
6. Reflect upon your day regularly.

Seneca, a highly influential Roman philosopher and playwright, is considered one of the most prominent thinkers of the Stoic philosophy. His teachings on Stoicism have been highly regarded and studied for centuries, and his works have provided valuable insights and advice on how to lead a fulfilling and peaceful life.

Seneca was not only a philosopher but also an advisor to the infamous Emperor Nero, an experience that allowed him to observe the effects of anger and the importance of self-control. He believed that anger is a temporary madness that can lead to irrational behavior and affect our sanity. Even when justified, we should never act on the basis of it. Instead, we should learn to control our impulses and act rationally, which is essential for maintaining inner peace and calmness.

In his book “De Ira,” Seneca provided a comprehensive overview of anger within the context of Stoic philosophy and offered advice on how to prevent and control it. The book’s teachings are still relevant today and provide valuable insights into managing one’s emotions and achieving emotional well-being.

In this video, we will explore ten ways to control anger based on the teachings of Seneca. Stoicism, a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC, remains highly relevant to modern times and can be applied in simple yet powerful ways. With our exploration of Seneca’s teachings, we hope to help you lead a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

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