Stoicism in the 21st Century | Algirdas Davidavičius | TEDxVytautasMagnusUniversity


Algirdas discuss the re-emergence of stoicism in the technological age. He explores how the demands of modern life bring back a classical discipline of the mind and how this mindset can change how we respond to the demands of a capitalist world.

Algirdas currently teaches applied philosophy and organizational science courses to media and communication students, while preparing his PhD. He is also an expert at the Demos Institute of Critical Thought. In the past, he has been a project coordinator at Open Society Fund Lithuania. He was a project manager at ESTEP, which works on European social, legal, and economic projects. He was a project consultant at Lithuania Innovation Center, an assistant professor in the political science department at Mykolas Romeris Universty, and head of innovation and development at Respublikinis energetikų mokymo centras (National Energy Learning Center).

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