STOICISM MEDITATION for Perspective | 10 Minute Guided Stoic Meditation | A View From Above


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‘You can rid yourself of many useless things among those that disturb you, for they lie entirely in your imagination; and you will then gain for yourself ample space by comprehending the whole universe in your mind, and by contemplating the eternity of time, and observing the rapid change of every part of everything, how short is the time from birth to dissolution, and the illimitable time before birth as well as the equally boundless time after dissolution’

– Marcus Aurelius

You can incorporate this int oa stoic morning routine. Marcus Aurelius advises us to perform an exercise called ‘view from above’. A stoic morning routine or a stoicism guided evening routine. This exercise involves us envisioning ourselves from the third person. In this vision, we a view from above exercise zoom out while keeping ourselves in the centre. We continue zooming out and contemplating the scale of the universe. For instance, your first zoom might encompass a view of you from above the roof of your house. Increase the magnitude a stoic exercise and you might see a view of your street, increase the magnitude and you might see a view of your country. Keep going until you can picture a view of Earth from the stars.

With this scale, we can gain a better perspective on the insignificance of our problems. This is a good stoicism exercise.When compared to the universe whatever problems we might appear incredibly trivial. For instance, if you were feeling down because a girl flaked on you or someone insulted you, try this exercise. It is far easier to overcome the emotional hurdles we experience when we put things into perspective.

In this Stoicism Meditation for perspective you will learn to have an increased perspective on life. This is a guided stoic meditation. Stoicism a view from above.

Channel: Andrew Kirby