The Best Advice Ryan Holiday Ever Got


“Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others.” ― Otto von Bismarck

In this video Ryan Holiday shares the best advice that he ever got.

The Stoics were learners. It’s hard to escape that conclusion when you read their writings. Marcus Aurelius begins Meditations by cataloging the lessons he learned from the many people in his life, big and small. Seneca was constantly looking at other people, studying their lives and what they did well and not so well. When Epictetus said that you can’t learn what you think you already know, he was describing his own worldview as well as the worldview of his hero—Socrates—who went around constantly questioning and putting things up to the test.

This is the attitude we must take with us, day to day, in whatever position of leadership or followership we occupy. It’s not enough to just learn from history or to be grateful to the explicit lessons we get from our teachers. We must keep our eyes open always, and actively look for opportunities to learn from everyone, including people we know are flawed or even evil. We must not let our own moral progress block us from learning from those further behind us on the road. Because, as Emerson said, everyone is better than us at something—even if it’s a little thing—and if we want to keep getting better, we should focus on that more than anything else.

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00:00 Intro
01:07 1. Expect nothing in return
02:26 2. Always say less than necessary
03:54 3. The most valuable resource is time
04:56 4. Expect the taxes of life
07:04 5. 3 Lessons from Tim Ferriss
8:08 6. 3 Lessons from Robert Greene
8:54 7. 3 Lessons from George Raveling
09:52 8. 3 Lessons from Marcus Aurelius

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